Solution Samples

Interactive Forms

Creating forms can be a daunting task if the forms must be dynamic. What we are trying to accomplish is an error free process for specifying settings on specific systems which any operator can produce. Forms which change based on a respondent’s answer to each question are easy enough to create with software available off the shelf. But what if you cannot use anything but a SharePoint site? Then it must be coded using JavaScript.

The image at right links to the documentation of the project.




To see a working example, click on the image at the left.



Software GUI Issues

One of the mainstays of the company software was a program called MTStat. It was used in so many environments that users asked if there was a way we could come up with a darker version of the GUI. We did better than that. In total, there are now 18 different color themes for users to choose from. Some were even named after the user who suggested a color set.

The image at right links to the page in the manual explaining themes. -->